
Blog - Spring 2021.JPG


How are you doing? We’re a year into the COVID Pandemic and life as we know it has changed forever. So many have lost their lives, I hope you have taken this time to take a long look at your own life and made the necessary changes. I know I have!

Here at Maylana’s Atelier, we’ve been making our own changes. Pivoting, reshaping, reassessing, thinking outside the proverbial box. We’ll be doing things a little differently over here; as much as I love clothing, vintage, shoes, and accessories; It’s time to branch out. I’m now going to add my other passion which is home décor.

When I originally founded what was then “Maylana’s Closet” in 2007, it was with the intention to have a global bazaar, consisting of clothing and other beautiful things from around the world. I did that for a while, but then focused more on the clothing aspect; well COVID made me re-evaluate that idea.

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Home Décor comes a very close 2nd (actually tied) with clothing. A beautifully curated home is pure joy for me. I’m happiest when my home looks similar to something out of Architectural Digest (I don’t have children, so I can do that!)

Commencing March 25th lookout for lovely new inventory to adorn and use within your home. China cups & saucers, teapots, tchotchkes, small furnishings among other home decor items. The collection will remain small but will be constantly changing, so check back often. We’re excited about this new addition to the site, we’re already enjoying sourcing elegant new things to embellish and brighten your home.

Happy Spring!

P.S. Maylana’s Closet will also be making a reappearance, she never really left!

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